Focuses Your Mind & Expands Your Awareness
Discover deep insights into the meaning and purpose of meditation.
Learn meditation practices that cultivate balance, clarity & peace of mind.
The Potential of Meditation
One purpose of meditation is to transcend the usual limitations of human consciousness and expand to higher levels of awareness. This can be accomplished by focusing your mind, which allows you to temporarily step aside from its constant chatter.
The mind can then go beyond its normal scope into a vastness that cannot be described, only experienced. That is because language is geared toward the physical and the tangible. It cannot describe where the sky ends, or the feeling of visualizing how many grains of sand there are on all the beaches and deserts of the world.
Your mind can experience a divine expansiveness and
A totality of creation through the process of meditation.
Human Limitations
Most people operate from a surface shell which is very limited in scope. They are totally identified with their egos and personalities, which are protected by this surface shell. They have not yet developed a sense of themselves beyond their personalities – that divine, eternal spark of unlimited awareness.
The mind can become rigid, and closed off from its own magnificence, just as the body can become stiff and inflexible. As the body contracts, the mind develops layers of resistance, which become the limitations of human consciousness. You can learn how to meditate as well as learn Acupressure points that cultivate and nurture your mind.

Meditation: Body & Mind Benefits
The stillness achieved during meditation also slows down the metabolism of the body. This provides a deep state of rest, which has great therapeutic benefits for your brain. It also rejuvenates your entire body, especially the nervous system.
Some meditations concentrate on the breath, and some on a sound (known as a mantra). Others focus the mind on the circulation of energy, the Chi, or of light throughout the body.
Other meditative exercises use sound, such as singing or chanting a word or phrase. These vibrate the thyroid and parathyroid glands, stimulating them to secrete. They also activate the pituitary gland, which balances the endocrine system — the hormones — as a whole.
Meditation Focuses with Ease
Concentration is meant to be effortless. Instead of struggling and fighting with the stream of thoughts, just keep your attention on the meditation.
As thoughts float to the surface, let them come and to without trying to control them. Observe the flow of your thoughts, watching them come into your mind, and then letting go of them. When you notice your attention has wandered, gently let go of your thought, and bring your awareness back to the meditation. It’s this continual process of letting go that benefits the brain and mind.
Going Further
Meditation is a tool that enables us to go beyond these limitations. Like most things worthwhile, it requires repeated practice and discipline to achieve success with it. The many benefits of personal and spiritual unfoldment that can be attained through this inner work are so rewarding. Thus, it becomes a joy, not a duty or an exercise. Whatever effort you do put into it comes back to you many, many times over. Your life begins to expand in ways that you had never imagined. Meditation unfolds this process of self-fulfillment.
Acu-YogaMeditation Course
Acupressure Healing Meditations is a 4-week online course that I offer to help you reduce stress and improve your life. I teach you how to enhance meditation with Acupressure in my many instructional videos, which are available for you to download and have for the rest of your life.
This program starts with exercises and meditations for physical balancing and stress relief. It then focuses on further meditations and exercises for clarity of mind and spiritual awakening. There are breathing meditations, sound meditations, mantra meditations and powerful Chakra Meditations. All together you’ll be guided to experience 15 meditations so that you can discover the meditation style that you can practice for months to come to enhance the quality of your life.
Brain Power Points Self-Healing Course
This 7-week Acupressure Training enhances your brain’s health, improves your memory, and clears negative thought patterns. Just as your body needs exercise to be fit, your mind needs to have specific points open for your brain’s health and to nurture your memory and ability to concentrate.
Acu-Yoga Meditation
Healing Practice
Sit comfortably with your spine straight. Place the palms of your hands together in Prayer Pose, with the back of your thumbs pressing up against the center of the chest at the level of the heart. Close your eyes, and let your breath grow long and deep for one minute.
- As you inhale, slowly raise and open your arms up over your head, as you let your head drop slightly back. Open yourself to the universe.
- As you exhale, make the sound of “SU,” and let your arms slowly float back to center, in Prayer Pose. Let your head return to a straight position.
- Meditate: Gently put your hands in your lap as you continue to keep your eyes closed. Sit quietly with your spine straight, and imagine that you can still hear the sound of “SUUU” vibrating as you breathe slowly and deeply, sitting very still for a few minutes — in a relaxed way.