Acupressure Breathwork

A 7-Week Training to Release Your Blockages, Open Your Energy Flows, and Increase Your Life Force

 with Michael Reed Gach

“Holding the Acupressure points on the meridians while breathing deeply is the fastest way to open up your energy flows and activate your body’s natural ability to heal.”

—Michael Reed Gach, Ph.D. Founder

What is Acupressure Breathwork?

Acupressure Breath Work is a unique system of breathing methods that combines holding specific Acupressure points while you practice each breathing technique.  

The points are where your body’s vital life energy gets blocked. Holding these points while using this system of breath work, effectively releases the body’s blockages. 

Each breathing technique opens the flow of energy in a different way.  Some of the breathing methods expand your lung capacity to fortify the energy in your meridians, while other breathing techniques utilize the diaphragmatic muscles and strengthen your immunity and nervous systems.

A Global Epidemic
of Shallow Breathing

Ordinary breathing tends to be so shallow that it commonly causes stress, stiffness, sluggishness and tiredness. Shallow breathing leads to premature aging and difficulty making good decisions. 

When you starve your body from the natural air that is meant to circulate through your lungs, all of the systems of your body eventually get weak and don’t function optimally. No wonder why so many people seem sluggish, tired, and stressed.

Many health complaints are caused by low energy and shallow breathing:

  • Headaches and neck pain
  • Insomnia and poor sleep
  • Racing thoughts and anxiety
  • Brain fog, mental fatigue, confusion
  • Chronic physical fatigue, exhaustion
  • Minor depression & other negative emotions

Through conscious breathwork combined with Acupressure, you will start to open the points which can balance your emotions, make you more productive, and move you to be calm and at peace with yourself.

Why Combining Acupressure and Breathwork is so Powerful

The breath is the source for your body’s life force. Acupressure points are the spots where this vital energy gets blocked. Holding key points with breathing techniques can open this energy to heighten many aspects of your life.

Deep Breathing while holding Acupressure points is the most profoundly effective tool known for purifying and revitalizing the body. When your breath is shallow, all your body’s vital systems function at a minimum level.

If your breath is long and deep, the respiratory system functions properly, and the body’s cells become fully oxygenated. Deep breathing helps the Acupressure points release any pain or tension and encourages healing energy to flow throughout the body. 

As you practice the self-acupressure breathing routines in this course, concentrating on breathing deeply into your abdomen, the 5-elements within your body can heal itself and generate well-being.

Why Combining Acupressure and Breathwork is so Powerful

The breath is the source for your body’s life force. Acupressure points are the spots where this vital energy gets blocked. Holding key points with breathing techniques can open this energy to heighten many aspects of your life.

Deep Breathing while holding Acupressure points is the most profoundly effective tool known for purifying and revitalizing the body. When your breath is shallow, all your body’s vital systems function at a minimum level.

If your breath is long and deep, the respiratory system functions properly, and the body cells become fully oxygenated. Deep breathing helps the Acupressure points release any pain or tension and encourages healing energy to flow throughout the body. 

As you practice the self-acupressure breathing routines in this course, concentrating on breathing deeply into your abdomen, your body can heal itself and generate well-being.

“Breathe as deeply as you want to live.”

—Michael Reed Gach, Ph.D. Founder

The Benefits of Acupressure Breathwork

Holding Acupressure points creates a close correlation between the physiology of the breath and the psychology of being. The way you feel physically affects how you feel emotionally and how you interact in the world. 

Deep breathing releases blockages within your body and opens its healing energy, which affects how you feel emotionally from day to day.

The following are a few of the benefits of Acupressure Breathwork:

  • Pain Relief and Management
  • Emotional Balance
  • Deep Relaxation & Healing Benefits
  • Heightened Meditation & Spirituality
  • Stress and Anxiety Reduction
  • Increase Energy Flows

Deep breathing increases the amount of fully oxygenated red blood cells, and the release of the waste product, carbon dioxide, which chemically changes into carbonic acid if not eliminated through proper respiration.

Six Acupressure Breathing Techniques

Discover ways to Breathe while connecting with Body Wellness Points

During the program you’ll learn the following six breathing methods:

Long Deep Breathing

Long Deep Breathing

Long Deep Breathing is the most basic technique for balancing the meridian pathways. Inhale slowly and deeply into the abdomen, the diaphragm, and finally into the chest. Hold the breath for a few seconds, then exhale slowly.

Hara breathing

Hara Breathing

 Hara Breathing is similar to long deep breathing but expands your lung capacity by compacting the breath deeply into your lower abdominal area. This nourishes the internal organs, giving the body power and endurance.

Breathing Visualization

Breathing Visualization Method

Breathing Visualization Method taps into the infinite creativity of the mind. Use the power of the brain to unblock areas of the body, promoting new awareness, and a greater energy circulation within the meridians.

Breath of Fire

 Breath of Fire

 Breath of Fire is a powerful Yogic breathing technique used with postures and while holding the points. It strengthens the nervous system, cleanses the blood, and expands the electro-magnetic field of the body.


Breath Parts Activation

Breath Parts Activation is a powerful breathing technique to practice while you hold points to increase the power of the breath in different cycles, lengths and intensities.

Breath holding

Acupressure Breath Holding

Acupressure Breath Holding connecting with Acupressure points, brings the essence of the breath deeper into the cells of the body for increasing the potential to heal.

What’s Inside the Acupressure
Breathwork Curriculum

Here’s what we will cover each week:



Acupressure Breathwork Foundations

In this session we will explore:

  • The role of the breath in healing work
  • How deep breathing feeds the meridian system
  • How to use your breath to direct healing energy
  • How to find and hold Acupressure points
  • How to achieve full optimal deep breaths

Acupressure Breathwork Practice #1: 

  • How to counteract shallow breathing
  • Long, deep Hara Breathing Practice



Compacting the Breath

In this session you will learn:

  • How to develop breathing awareness through sounds, visualization and feeling
  • Common mistakes when working with breath
  • How to breathe into different parts of your body to benefit your internal organs and achieve hormonal balance

Acupressure Breathwork Practice #2:

  • Compacting the Breath
  • Focusing the breath into 2, 3 and 4-parts



Using the Breath for Stress & Anxiety Release

Learn how to prevent stress when its happening using these Acupressure points for emotional balancing:

  • Using CV17, the Sea of Tranquillity Point
  • Holding Lu1 to fortify your lungs

How to Enjoy your Life More Through Breathing

Acupressure Breathwork Practice #3: 

  • Breathing into the Heart, Supporting your Heart Meridian
  • Expand and lengthen your breath



Using the Breathwork with Facial Points & Mudras

In this session, we will cover:

  • Facial Breathwork points
  • How to lengthen the breath
  • The role of the St6 for the sinuses  
  • How to end a breath with a final exhale

Acupressure Breathwork Practice #4: 

  • How to pump the ends of your breath
  • Learn how to expand your breath’s capacity



Lower Body Breathing Methods

In this session, we will explore:

  • How to breathe deeper into your lower belly
  • How to activate the diaphragm while breathing
  • Holding CV6 gently with the Breath of Fire
  • The power of the tongue on the roof of your mouth
  • Holding Sp12, 13 in the groin with deep breathing

Acupressure Breathwork Practice #5: 

  • The Breath of Fire
  • Sitting, Kneeling or Laying Down



Metal Meridians for Mental Health & Immunity

In this session, we will explore:

  • How the Brain benefits from opening Metal Meridians 
  • How the Metal Meridians nourish the Kidneys
  • How to open major Large Intestine points
  • Three powerful Acupressure breathwork exercises

Acupressure Breathwork Practice #6:

  • Immune Boosting Breathwork Formula
  • Alternate Breathing with Acupressure



Acupressure Breathwork & the Brain

In this session, we’ll cover:

  • How the Gates of Consciousness balance the right and left sides of the body
  • An ancient mudra with a breathing meditation
  • How to use palm pressure into temples 
  • Holding GB20 with fingers, then thumbs

Acupressure Breathwork Practice #7:

  • Breathing Meditation
  • Deep breathing while lifting your skull upward




Acupressure Breathwork for Qigong & Yoga

How to integrate Acupressure breath work with Yoga asanas or Qigong. This video covers how breath work:

  • Opens the life force into the body
  • Blocked Acupressure points for healing
  • Rlaxes muscles for the Qi to flow fluidly
  • Provides more awareness to work with Qi 
  • Benefits the Large Intestine and Kidney Meridians


Acupressure Breathwork for Reiki

How Acupressure BreathWork enhances Reiki and Bodywork.
This video covers how BreathWork with Acupressure:

  • Completes the cycle to feed your meridians
  • Deepens the amount of Qi you can send into the meridians
  • Nurtures the Spleen/Pancreas Meridian  which governs digestion and blood sugar levels
  • Opens the Bladder Meridian which governs the back, backs of the legs and all the internal organs


Acupressure Breathwork to Relieve Stiffness, Stress & Pain

How to integrate Acupressure breath work with Acu-Yoga asanas, Reiki treatments or Qigong movement. This video covers how breath work opens:

  • Blocked Acupressure Points
  • Qigong Movements and Meditations
  • Reiki master symbols & channeling
  • Yoga’s healing potential work into acu-yoga and any asana form or qigong movement


Chakra Healing & Acupressure Breathwork

Learn how to use the Chakras and Acupressure breath work to open up specific blockages. This video will guide you:

  • How to release blockages in each of the chakras
  • How to direct a client how to breathe into the chakras
  • What set of Acupressure points release chakra blockages


Acupressure Training Circle:
One Free Month Trial

  • Learn to use the 12 Meridians, their major points, & formulas
  • Unlock the power of the 5 Elements and Qigong
  • Apply practical self-acupressure healing techniques
  • Join a global community of healers to learn, share, & grow


Michael Reed Gach, Ph.D. is the author of eight books. He founded the Acupressure Institute in 1976 and directed it for 33 years. During this time he taught over 100,000 people.

When the school closed in 2008, Michael created these three exciting online Acupressure Training Programs:

  • Acupressure Mastery Certified Program covers 60 major points, and 10 point formulas
  • Self-Acupressure Pain Relief Solution covers 50 self-care routines for over 100 ailments
  • Acupressure Training Circle An Ongoing Online 5-Part Acupressure Certificate Covering the 12 Meridians, 5 Elements, Qigong, Self-Treatment Routines, Assessment Skills and Acupressure Bodywork Techniques

Gach’s books, CDs & Instructional Videotapes have sold over a half-million copies bringing hands-on healing to thousands. Michael is the author of the best selling book Acupressure’s Potent Points (Bantam Books), Acu-Yoga, Bum Back Book, Greater Energy, Acupressure Pain Relief, Acupressure for Lovers, and Acupressure for Emotional Healing (Bantam Books).

MEDIA: Michael Gach has appeared on hundreds of radio and television shows. He has produced over forty instructional booklets, audiotapes and videotapes available and featured on – the most comprehensive website on Acupressure.

ACU-YOGA: Michael is the originator of Acu-Yoga, a self-healing system of exercises that integrates the knowledge of two ancient methods of health maintenance, Acupressure and Yoga. Increased effectiveness results from combining these two powerful forms of holistic healing.

EDUCATION: Gach received a B.A. degree from Immaculate Heart College in Social Relations & a Ph.D. from Columbia Pacific University in Health & Human Services.

TRAINING: Michael also received advanced acupressure training from Ron & Iona Teeguarden, Traditional Chinese Medicine from Frank Chung, and training in Zen Shiatsu from Japanese Zen Priest Reuho Yamada. He took the 3HO Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training from Gurucharan Singh Khalsa.

Michael Reed Gach, Ph.D., is an excellent, inspiring teacher who combines a friendly, warm, accessible teaching style with precise technical skill. Through his fifty years of experience, his groundbreaking self-treatment techniques have brought pain relief and healing to hundreds of thousands of people.

Acupressure Breathwork

A 7-Week Training to Release Your Blockages,
Open Your Energy Flows, and Increase Your Life Force

 with Michael Reed Gach

1. 7 LIVE Acupressure Breathwork Training Sessions with Michael Reed Gach

2. Downloadable audio, video and worksheets

3. 6 Separate Breathwork Audio Tracks

4. Digital Certificate of Completion

5. Bonus #1 – Acupressure Breathwork inside Qigong and Yoga

6. Bonus #2 – Acupressure Breathwork for Reiki

7. Bonus #3 – Acupressure Breathwork to Relieve Stiffness, Stress and Pain

8. Bonus #4 – Chakra Healing and Acupressure Breathwork

9. Bonus #5 – One month free trial to Acupressure Training Circle


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3 Payments of $77

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My Personal 100% Guarantee

I’m so confident that the Acupressure Breathwork program will be such a valuable learning resource that I will personally support you to make this course a success. You may request a refund by emailing us within 14-days after purchase.


Micheal Reed Gach Ph.D.

Praise for the Teachings of


Dr. Mohamed F. E. from Egypt

“Thanks for this awesome, easy, inspiring and very interesting online course. I have got many benefits of this course in my practical life and as an anesthetist.  One of my colleagues had a patient in recovery room, not fully conscious, not communicating and had a shallow breath. The doctor tried to arouse the patient with medicines and mechanical stimulation with no response. They called me to help, and I got the chance to use Acupressure as you taught me. I held the central facial point on the gums. All my colleagues and staff nurses were astonished from the rapid, prompt response of the patient. I’ll never forget this case. What happened is like magic. Within one minute the patient became fully conscious and communicated well with normal breathing. From the bottom of my heart, thanks for your empowering online course.”


Dr. Mohamed F. E. from Egypt

Angela R., MT
The delivery within your online video course is so healing in itself.  I appreciate your teachings to help us become more in tune with ourselves and with others in our healing practices. To be completely honest, this video touched me so much, that you brought tears of inspiration into my eyes. I love what I am learning. This is taking my massage practice and my personal life to a whole new level.  As I was on the road, thinking of how to keep your teachings in my life forever, two bald eagles circled in my sight as I exited the freeway towards my hometown.


Angela R., MT

John F., East Sussex, UK
I am very grateful for all the help you’ve given me in the Acupressure Self-Care course and in the ongoing Acupressure Training Circle. Through your help my life has improved considerably.  I no longer need to take pain killers nor even apply pain killing creams for my Arthritis. My lower back pain is a thing of the past and my digestion is much improved.


John F., East Sussex, UK

Kathy Prior
“In 2013 I was diagnosed with Sjogren’s Syndrome (causes dry eye disease and fibromyalgia), arthritis, degenerative disc disease in my neck, among other ailments. In these months while taking your course I have had very little pain, If any at all and have learned to manage whatever is going on with me naturally. I’m sticking with you Micheal for the long haul. You and your Staff have helped me more than you know. You’re a true Blessing and I thank you with all of my heart!


Kathy Prior

Gina D.E., Health Practitioner
In all the years I have been in the holistic health field, and receiving your wonderful, highly information emails… I can honestly say you are a man of integrity and a true human who knows the true meaning of helping others.


Gina D.E., Health Practitioner

Ulrike Armstrong
Michael, you’re an amazing teacher, very inspiring. I still feel the energy-vibrations-love from your online videos and it’s been over a year since our course.


Ulrike Armstrong

Debbie Thrasher
“I have incorporated Acupressure into the work that I was already doing and there is such a flow of healing for my clients. I have been so inspired by this course and your amazing energy!


Debbie Thrasher

You’re one of the most amazing persons that I’ve ever had the privilege to study with. You’re a man that has such a beautiful spirit. I love your passion and humor in your approach to working with others. I never walk away from the times I spend with you via the internet without a smile in my heart. I so look forward to following you in the online classes to come.


Gloria Vaughn

“I have been your avid fan for more than a decade now, and still  counting.  I have used your Acupressure tips and have saved a lot of money by using the tips to heal myself, my family and my grandchildren and many friends and neighbors as well.  Please continue sharing your expertise with us.


Ana B.F., Caloocan City, Philippines

Your teaching methods are excellent. Each video goes deeper and puts everything into perspective. I just feel like you give everything you have into teaching us such valuable healing information and techniques. Wow I have just learned so much.  The teachings from this online course is becoming a new healthy way of life.


Jenny Wiberley

“I am a muscle conditioning trainer for 70-90 year olds. I have incorporated all that I have learned from you in my classes by showing them different Acupressure points. They love the fact that just by pressing and holding a point themselves can help them to destress and be happy!


Sue TH, from MA, MT

“Very informative – I am interested in teaching self-acupressure and this gave me a good foundation in clear and accessible words and demonstrations.


Jeanne M.N, El Cerrito, CA

This online Acupressure course was a wonderful experience; it was so easy to follow, as you demonstrated, the language was easy to follow. I’m feeling sad that the course is over now; it was interesting and I was looking forward to your webinar every month. All the points I tried on others got good results. One patient said “Oh it’s a miracle.” This gave me such satisfaction; what I learned was so worthwhile.


Neeta S., from India

I totally love Acupressure, you made it so easy to follow! I have used it on my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren with amazing results. I have recommended your course to family and friends.  I think everyone should know how to do acupressure! Thank you so much for a great learning experience.


Lynda Deacon, Australia


How does this program work?

We will send you an email to let you know when each live session will occur. Each of the classes will be recorded so you can watch them at your convenience through your computer, ipad or iphone. You can login directly at any time to access what is currently available. You can also personally ask Michael questions beneath any of the course videos at anytime.

You have permission to download all the instructional materials for your personal study in order to have lifetime access.  A computer is necessary for downloading. You can then transfer the downloaded videos to your other devices if you so choose.

    What if I miss a week or more?

    Our programs allow students to have the flexibility that is often needed. If you can, schedule weekly time to watch videos and practice what you learn. Plan your study time in the way that works best for you.

      What are the dates of the program?

      The following are dates for the program, and if you miss any of the LIVE sessions, you will have access to a downloadable recording for lifetime access:

      All teaching times are 4:00 pm PST/7 pm EST:

      Session 1: May 16
      Session 2: May 23
      Session 3: May 30
      Session 4: June 6
      Session 5: June 13
      Session 6: June 20
      Session 7: June 27

        How do I ask questions in the program?

        The best way to ask questions is to post them in the Comments section beneath the videos. Michael will answer them there so everyone will benefit from your questions. You will find it beneficial to read through other students’ questions as well. 

          How long is the program?

          The Acupressure Breathwork is 7 weeks long. You’ll have 1 year of online access from the date you enrolled.  You may download these instructional materials for your personal library.

            What is your cancellation policy?

            You may cancel at any time. If you are in good standing with your payments, you will have another 10 days to access the program online so you may download the course materials.

              What’s your refund policy?

              We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you may sample the course risk-free. The deadline to receive a refund is 21 days from the registration date. After 21-days, no refund requests are accepted.  Your access to the program will stop if a refund is initiated.

              To request a refund, please email us at letting us know the reason you are choosing not to continue. Of course, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, let us know and we’ll be happy to help!

                Are there scholarships available for this training?

                Yes, we have some spaces available for partial scholarships. It is for those who otherwise would not be able to enroll at the regular tuition rate.

                If you’d like to apply for a partial scholarship, please send us an email sharing how you intend to apply what you learn. Briefly, why is receiving a partial scholarship important to you at this time?  Applicants should only apply if they have the time and energy to take the program and pay a reduced rate.

                  How can I reach Customer Support?

                  We offer email support at 

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