Acupressure for Lovers
Clear, accessible and easy to practice, Acupressure for Lovers can help you more fully appreciate and physically enjoy your lover’s body and your own.
- Discover an Acupressure Massage to stimulate a man’s or woman’s arousal
- Intimacy-building exercises
- Explore the pleasure of Thai Massage
- Discover Acupressure love points
- 100s of instructive photos & line drawings
300 Pages; 365 photos; 325 Illustrations
Item #B009

By Michael Reed Gach, Ph.D.
Clear, accessible, and easy to practice to enhance the connection of your love relationship.
Cultivate a Sacred Sexuality
Learn acupressure techniques to open powerful life-enhancing energies, improve the chemistry of relationships, and intensify sexual pleasure. Learn the best points to hold during intercourse and oral sex.
Explore the art of sacred touch, to arouse and satisfy your partner using acupressure. Michael Reed Gach, Ph.D., founder, offers a wide variety of intimacy-building exercises to stimulate the body’s vital points.