Introduction to Acupressure
- How to practice Acupressure, Shiatsu, Do-In and Qi Gong
- 12 Potent Acupressure Points, their location and benefits
- 70 line drawings of Asian Bodywork Techniques (ABT)
- Self-Healing techniques: Qi Gong Breathing Exercises and Do-In
- Jin Shin Acupressure points, formulas for balancing healing energy

An overview of different styles of acupressure and shiatsu. You’ll learn:
12 Potent Acupressure points: their location, how to press them, and what each point is good for.
How to Practice Shiatsu – from head to toe, front and back. Includes an introduction to Shiatsu and how to work with a client sitting on a pillow or chair. The proper way of using your thumbs is covered next. Each of the Shiatsu techniques is described and illustrated with line drawings. Frontal, abdominal, and facial Shiatsu is also covered.
Self-Healing Techniques – how to practice eight effective Qi Gong Essential Breathing Exercises for immune boosting and building your healing energy; how to do a full body set of Self-Acupressure Massage techniques called Do-In and includes an excellent foot reflexology chart.
Jin Shin Acupressure – for releasing shoulder and neck tension, a Rejuvenating Flow of acupressure points, and a General Regulating Release for balancing the body’s healing energy for yourself and others.