Michael Reed Gach, Ph.D. Presents:
The Stress Relief & Immune Boosting Formula
A Special 7-Day Online Self-Healing Program to Strengthen your Resistance to Illness, Release Fear and Dissolve Stress & Anxiety using Acupressure Points
A Special Invitation from Michael Reed Gach
Dear friend,
During these unprecedented times, it is important to take even better care of yourself and your loved ones. I know many people are in fear of viruses and getting sick.
For over 40 years I have taught tens of thousands how to use Acupressure to relieve common ailments, clear energy blockages and strengthen the immune system.
Acupressure is one of the oldest and most effective healing methods on the planet which presses specific points on your body to balance your emotions and fortify your healing energy.
To stay healthy, one of the most important things you can do every day, is to use Acupressure to relieve stress and boost your immune system.
To empower you with this healing knowledge, I created a new 7-day online training to give you the most potent Acupressure points that you can learn and use immediately.
In it, I share the exact points and routines that you can learn and also teach to others. Due to these extraordinary circumstances, I’ve discounted the program significantly so it can be affordable to as many people as possible.
I invite you to join me in this course for yourself and others – to relieve your stress, become resilient, and better cope with these challenging times.
I look forward to having you in this special training.
With healing wishes,
Michael Reed Gach, Ph.D.
Acupressure.com Founder

How Acupressure Relieves Stress & Benefits the Immune System
Acupressure and deep breathing strengthen the immune system and can help you ward off illness and the stress that lowers your resistance. Releasing the points opens the flow of healing energy which benefits the immune system by enabling the internal organs to function at optimal levels.
What’s Inside the Stress Relief and Immune Boosting Formula?
Receive seven 45-minute Online Modules to learn at home. These self-healing sessions will be recorded so you can review them for a full year. You also have permission to download all the materials to keep for the rest of your life.
Day 1: Calming Points
How to Relieve Anxiety & Panic
You’ll learn points to enhance your life:
• How to relieve depression, grief, and anxiety
• Free your lungs and open your breathing
• How to benefit your immune system & thymus
Day 2: Resist Illness
Boost your Immune System
Demonstrates key Acupressure points
• How to balance your energy
• Acupressure anti-inflammatory points
• How to heighten resistance to colds, flus & viruses
Day 3: Energy Tonic Points
How to Heighten your Energy
You will learn:
• How to strengthen your Kidneys
• How to stimulate the 4 Great Energy Gates
• How to heighten your body’s life force
Day 4: Tension Relief
How to Relieve your Stress
You will learn:
• Acupressure Stress Relief Techniques
• How to release your Shoulders & Neck
• Final Balancing & Healing methods
Day 5: Insomnia Relief
How to Sleep Better
You will learn:
• How to Get to Sleep and Sleep more Soundly
• 3 Gentle Stretches to Prep before Bed
• How to get back to sleep
Day 6: Emotional Balancing
Handle Anger & Calm your Mind
Discover Acupressure points for:
• Releasing Frustration & Irritability
• Quiet Mental Chatter & a racing mind
• Achieve Calmness and peace of mind
Day 7: How to Thrive
Free your Lungs & Open your Heart
Learn Acupressure points to:
• Fully Open your Breathing and Lungs
• Balance your heart, Inner Gate & Meditate
• Free your upper Chakras using meditation
What People are saying…
I found this home study course very effective.“
Your Healing Guide
Michael Reed Gach, Ph.D. is the author of seven books on Acupressure Therapy. Michael Acupressure books have sold over one-half million copies. Michael’s best selling book Acupressure’s Potent Points book contains 400 illustrations showing how to relieve 40 common complaints from A to Z.
Michael created two comprehensive online Acupressure Training Programs: The Acupressure Mastery Program which teaches 60 major points and the Acupressure Self-Care Solution covering 50 self-care routines for relieving stress, headaches, backaches, chronic fatigue, sleep problems and more. Gach’s Acupressure books have sold over one-half million copies.

Plus you’ll receive these Bonuses

Bonus 1:
Acupressure Point Digital Chart
Illustrates all 12 meridians, source points, alarm points and chi control points with color coding. Front, back and side views all in one chart. Includes five element affirmations and laws.

Bonus 2:
Acupressure Pain Relief
A digital copy of my book, Acupressure Pain Relief. In over 200 pages it shows how to relieve pain all areas of the body. You will be able to download its 400 illustrations for lifetime access.

Bonus 3:
Immune Boosting Booklet
This download contains illustrations and descriptions of how to find, use and apply 8 immune boosting Acupressure Points for helping yourself and others.
“I love the content of this online course. Seeing your demonstration videos got me excited because you carefully, patiently go over the exact location of the points and how to use them. I’ll have time to grasp them. I am a visual, kinetic learner and I know this will be a great way to learn.”
The Stress Relief & Immune Boosting Formula
Online Program Summary

Here’s what you’ll receive:
1. 7 45-Minute Online Acupressure Trainings with Michael Reed Gach (over 5 hours of instruction) [Value $195]
2. Private Site for Online Access [Value $45]
3. Access to ALL Videos, Transcripts & Audios – with permission to download to have your entire life [Value $45]
PLUS these Bonuses:
– Acupressure Chart Digital Download [Value $25]
– Acupressure Pain Relief Book [Value $22]
– Acupressure Immune Boosting Booklet [Value $15]
To join Michael click the button below.
Easy Single Payment
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NOTE: All classes are recorded so you can watch at any time at your convenience.

My Guarantee & Commitment to You
We are confident you’ll be happy with the Immune Boosting Formula Online Program. However, if you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase by the second class, simply contact us at orders@acupressure.com and we’ll give you a full refund.
With healing wishes,
Michael Reed Gach, Ph.D.
What People are Saying…
“Michael you are a wonderful teacher and encourager. I am also in your Acupressure Training Circle course which I find very beneficial. Bless you for being so unselfish in sharing this much-needed course for healing insomnia!”
“You’re the embodiment of love and kindness, and you are an exceptionally talented teacher. Your approach to health and wellbeing really resonates with me.”
“Love the online Immune Boosting Acupressure program; it’s all coming together for me. People notice my relaxed state throughout this pandemic as a flight attendant and critical infrastructure worker. Thank you for bringing me PEACE and focus.”
“Thank you for putting together this excellent, superb course – absolutely brilliant especially in these current times. Your effective teaching style and enthusiasm is top class.”