Michael Reed Gach presents:
Brain Power Points
7-Week Acupressure Training to Enhance your Brain’s Health, Improve Memory & Clear Negative Thought Patterns
“I’m absolutely loving this course. The online video connection is like sharing the group energy of a classroom but without the commute, alarm clock and expenses. Michael, your loving presence and knowledgeable presentations shine through all of your teachings. I am so glad I enrolled.“
— I.V. Houten, British Columbia
A Special Invitation to Join Me
Do you want to learn how Acupressure can take care of your brain?
I’m excited to teach an online 7-week course to support your brain’s health.
Each week, I’ll cover self-healing methods for your brain. This Acupressure knowledge will empower you to heighten your memory and concentration.
The Brain Power Points course covers:
• Brain Points to balance the hemispheres of your brain
• Mental Stress and Hormonal Acupressure Points
• Points to prevent Alzheimer & Dementia
• Techniques to Awaken your Brain for greater alertness
• Brain Calming Points to counteract racing thoughts
• How to enhance your Spirituality
Learn more by scrolling through the program contents below. I invite you to join this powerful new training that is like no other in the world.
I’d be grateful to have you in my community.
With Healing Wishes,
Michael Reed Gach, Ph.D.
Founder of the Acupressure.com website,
Author of the best-selling book, Acupressure’s Potent Points
P.S. You can try it completely risk-free for the first 15 days.
If you sign-up now, you’ll get the special discounted price.
“I am so loving this course! Michael, you have thought of everything to make this coherent and comprehensive to facilitate learning in depth and fullness. I took a leap of faith to take this course, and I’m so glad I followed my intuition and went for it. Thanks for making it possible!”
—Morgan Bates
Care for your Brain
Using the Healing Power of Acupressure
Your brain’s health is vital for your well-being. Without regular care, it can over control your life with negative, toxic thoughts.
If your mind is out of control, you may be prone to worry, doubt, be prone to depression and have racing thoughts.
Now’s the time to reverse these stuck mental patterns. There are key points that can release these old mental blockages which bombard your life and instead benefit your brain.
Here’s What’s Inside the
Acupressure Brain Power Points Program
- The one point that can benefit all parts of your brain
- Essential headache relief acupressure techniques
- How to open healing energies into your brain
- How the brain connects to the large intestines
- How to use the Gates of the Mind acupressure points
- How to balance the right and left hemispheres of your brain
- How to fine tune your brain daily with a 10 minute routine
- How to use Acupressure for your brain’s health
- Guidance on using points to relieve mental stress
- Learn how to use brain hormonal points
- Specific acupressure points for Alzheimer & Dementia
- Acupressure techniques to improve your memory
- How to strengthen your concentration
- How to use Ear Points to benefit your brain
- An Ear Massage formula to stimulate brain health
- Ancient techniques to increase your brain’s alertness
- How to use Acupressure to counteract your racing thoughts
- Learn specific point combinations to relax your mind
- Discover the points on your feet that improve brain health
- Specific Acupressure points that help learning disorders
- How to counteract ADD, ADHD, & Dyslexia
- How to stimulate points to prevent Parkinson’s
- Acupressure points for spirituality
Here’s What You’ll Receive:

1. 7 Acupressure Training Sessions with Michael Reed Gach, Ph.D.
These seven pre-recorded videos (20 to 30 minutes) are designed to give you additional clarity for how to use the most vital Acupressure points that benefit your brain.

2. Q&A Sessions after each of the Instructional Video Classes
You’ll receive access to 7 weekly recorded Q&A sessions. This will give you the opportunity to enjoy the questions and answers from other students.

3. Downloadable Videos, Audios and Transcripts
If you would prefer to read material that go with the videos, we have something for you. You’ll have access to all video transcripts so you can create a complete Acupressure Self-Care Digital Library, available at your fingertips anytime.

4. A Private Membership
Online Community

5. A Certificate that you can print and frame for your office
When you finish the course, you will receive a beautiful certificate that will prove to your clients that you studied Brain Power Points.
You’ll also Receive these Bonuses

Bonus 1:
Memory & Concentration PDF

Bonus 2:
Stress Less: Qigong Breathing

Bonus 3:
Acupressure Stress Relief for Easing Headaches, Shoulder,
and Neck Tension
Discover 10 Acupressure points to relieve everyday stresses. Learn an easy 20-minute self- healing routine which includes an extra 10-minute self-acupressure routine to deeply relax and rebalance your nervous system. (Downloadable)
Brain Power Points
7-Week Acupressure Training
Michael Reed Gach presents:
The Brain Power Points Program
7-Week Acupressure Training to Improve your Memory, Concentration and Clear Negative Thought Patterns

Here’s what you’ll receive:
1. Seven 45-Minute Online Acupressure Trainings with Micheal Reed Gach. These seven pre-recorded videos are 20 to 30 minutes. (Over 5 hours of instruction) [Value $195]
2. Q&A Sessions after each of the Instructional Video Classes. You’ll receive access to 7 weekly pre-recorded Q&A sessions. [Value $45]
3. Downloadable Videos, Audios and Transcripts. You’ll have access to all video transcripts to create a complete Acupressure Self-Care Digital Library, available at your fingertips anytime. [Value $45]
4. A Private Member Community. You’ll be able to give and receive encouragement as you learn, explore and discover how to use the self-healing routines in this program.
5. Certificate of Completion. You can print and frame this certificate and hang it on your wall as a visible confirmation that you have learned how to use Acupressure to manage your brain.
You’ll also receive these Bonuses:
1. Bonus 1: Memory & Concentration PDF
2. Bonus 2: Stress Less: Qigong Breathing
3. Bonus 3: Acupressure Stress Relief for Easing Headaches, Shoulder & Neck Pain
TOTAL VALUE: $320.90
To join Michael – click the button below.

My Personal 100% Guarantee
I’m so confident that the Brain Power Points program and online teachings will be such a valuable learning resource that I will personally support you to make this course a success.
Michael Reed Gach Ph.D.
What People are Saying…

“Thanks for this awesome, easy, inspiring and very interesting online course. I have got many benefits of this course in my practical life and as an anesthetist. One of my colleagues had a patient in recovery room, not fully conscious, not communicating and had a shallow breath. The doctor tried to arouse the patient with medicines and mechanical stimulation with no response. They called me to help, and I got the chance to use Acupressure as you taught me. I held the central facial point on the gums. All my colleagues and staff nurses were astonished from the rapid, prompt response of the patient. I’ll never forget this case. What happened is like magic. Within one minute the patient became fully conscious and communicated well with normal breathing. From the bottom of my heart, thanks for your empowering online course.”
Dr. Mohamed F. E. from Egypt

“The delivery within your online video course is so healing in itself. I appreciate your teachings to help us become more in tune with ourselves and with others in our healing practices. To be completely honest, this video touched me so much, that you brought tears of inspiration into my eyes. I love what I am learning. This is taking my massage practice and my personal life to a whole new level. As I was on the road, thinking of how to keep your teachings in my life forever, two bald eagles circled in my sight as I exited the freeway towards my hometown.“
Angela R., MT

“I am very grateful for all the help you’ve given me in the Acupressure Self-Care course and in the ongoing Acupressure Training Circle. Through your help my life has improved considerably. I no longer need to take pain killers nor even apply pain killing creams for my Arthritis. My lower back pain is a thing of the past and my digestion is much improved.“
John F., East Sussex, UK

“In 2013 I was diagnosed with Sjogren’s Syndrome (causes dry eye disease and fibromyalgia), arthritis, degenerative disc disease in my neck, among other ailments. In these months while taking your course I have had very little pain, If any at all and have learned to manage whatever is going on with me naturally. I’m sticking with you Micheal for the long haul. You and your Staff have helped me more than you know. You’re a true Blessing and I thank you with all of my heart!“
Kathy Prior

Gina D.E., Health Practitioner

Ulrike Armstrong

Debbie Thrasher
Gloria Vaughn
Ana B.F., Caloocan City, Philippines
Jenny Wiberley
“I am a muscle conditioning trainer for 70-90 year olds. I have incorporated all that I have learned from you in my classes by showing them different Acupressure points. They love the fact that just by pressing and holding a point themselves can help them to destress and be happy!“
Sue TH, from MA, MT
Jeanne M.N, El Cerrito, CA
Neeta S., from India
“I totally love Acupressure, you made it so easy to follow! I have used it on my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren with amazing results. I have recommended your course to family and friends. I think everyone should know how to do acupressure! Thank you so much for a great learning experience.“