Acupressure is a powerful resource that not only improves the health of the body and emotions, but also the strength of the mind and spirit. Using Acupressure, you can improve mental clarity, stability, and concentration. You can also heighten intuition and spiritual awareness.
Spiritual Development
Using the healing touch of Acupressure can be a practical way of deepening your spiritual life. By lightly touching the Third Eye point (GV 24.5, located just above the bridge of the nose), for a couple of minutes, you can enhance your inner awareness.
The Life Force flowing through your body’s points and meridians is deeply connected to your spirit. As you become more balanced and less stressed, your experience of the harmony between your mind and body is renewed, and your connection with all of Life is enhanced.
If you want to progress further, meditate on the Third Eye point for five to ten minutes each day. Within a few weeks, you may notice that your intuition will begin to increase. Concentrating on the Third Eye point, while touching it lightly with your eyes closed, can nourish your spiritual nature and increase intuition. Using this as a meditation practice, twice a week or more, will develop your intuitive healing skills.

Mental & Spiritual Awareness
Spirituality is not disembodied — the most powerful spiritual experiences are rooted in one’s body. When I close my eyes and lightly touch the Third Eye point, and completely focus my attention on that spot between my eyebrows, I heighten my sense of myself. I become intensely aware of how my body feels, how my breathing feels.
As I sense the blood pulsing throughout my body, I experience the flow of life energy. And if I continue breathing deeply, sitting with my spine straight, I become aware of every part of my body at once — as a harmonious, unified presence. When I meditate, this often leads to a powerful sense of oneness with the world. Acupressure’s potent power can heal us both physically and spiritually.
To learn more, here’s the Acupressure Meditations online course. You’ll find out how to enhance your spiritual awakening using Acupressure points, which open the flow of healing energy. It includes 15 downloadable guided meditations and an illustrated workbook.
You can also explore the many pages under the topic of
Spirituality in the extensive Resources A to Z section.
Mental Clarity
The healing benefits of Acupressure involve both the relaxation of the body and positive effects on the mind. As tension is released, you not only feel good physically, but you also feel better emotionally and mentally. When your body relaxes, your mind relaxes as well, creating a more positive state of consciousness. This expanded awareness leads to mental clarity and a healthier physical and emotional healing.
Certain Acupressure points can be used to promote memory, concentration, and mental clarity and stability. These points also counteract racing thoughts, negativity, and feelings of being overwhelmed.
To learn more about using Acupressure for mental clarity, check out the pages for Memory & Concentration
and also for ADD & Learning Disorders. Both of these are part of the helpful Resources A to Z section.
Click Here to Check Out this Page:
Acupressure for Headaches, Better Memory,
Balancing Brain Chemistry & Recovery from Injuries