Awaken Your
Inner Healer
Join The Free 5-Day
Acupressure Challenge

Transform your well-being in just 5 days….
Discover the Power of Acupressure
Acupressure is an ancient healing technique you can use to:
- Boost Your Energy: Take control of your health and become a natural healer for yourself and your loved ones.
- Relieve Aches & Pains Naturally: Use Acupressure’s wisdom for self-healing by holding points to release energy blocks that cause pain and discomfort.
- Reduce Stress & Improve Sleep: This 5-Day Challenge provides tools to reduce stress, improve sleep, and promote overall well-being for the rest of your life.
Transform your well-being in just 5 days when you learn Acupressure from an International Expert —at no charge.
Discover the Power of Acupressure
Boost your energy & well-being
Relieve aches & pains naturally
Reduce stress & improve sleep

Why Choose this Challenge?
- Empower Yourself: Take control of your health and become a natural healer for yourself and your loved ones.
- Simple & Effective: Discover how to use Acupressure’s wisdom for self-healing from best-selling author Michael Reed Gach, PhD a world-renowned self-care expert.
- Lasting Results: This 5-Day Challenge provides tools to manage pain, improve sleep, reduce stress and promote overall well-being for the rest of your life.
What’s In The 5-Day Acupressure Challenge?
with Michael Reed Gach, Ph.D.

- Learn 7 Points & Easy Techniques to relieve stress and pain.

- Balance & Detox your body’s health and energy systems.

- Instant Rejuvenation using points to refresh your body and mind.

- Longevity Points to relieve stiffness and restore your vitality.

- Inner & Outer Gate Points that increase your overall health.
What Others Are Saying
“These points work, and they can work really fast. I will keep massaging and holding the points a few times each day until I am back to 100% which shouldn’t be long based on recent changes. May God bless Michael Reed Gach for devoting his life to this subject and for sharing his wisdom.”
“I just can’t even say enough good things about acupressure itself, and Michael Reed Gach as a teacher. I am currently enrolled in his online training because this book has been such a lifesaver for me over the years that I want to learn even more and be able to help others.”
“As I am a person who is reluctant to use conventional medicine unless I really have to, I am always looking for an alternative way.
This is laid out very well with explanation on how to locate the pressure point and the ailment it will help.”
Meet Michael Reed Gach, Ph.D.
Michael Reed Gach, Ph.D., is an excellent, inspiring teacher who combines a warm, accessible teaching style with precise technical skill.
Through his 50 years of experience, his groundbreaking self-treatment techniques have brought pain relief and healing to thousands of people.
He is the author of Acupressure’s Potent Points: Self-Care for Common Ailments, the best selling book on Acupressure. He is also the lead instructor of the Acupressure Training Circle, a core monthly program and community to learn the meridian points.

“I discovered Acupressure on a deeper level after a serious head injury and used it to recover which transformed my life. I’m passionate about getting this healing tool into as many hands as possible.”